How to Clean Your Android Charging Port

How to Clean Your Android Charging Port

Your Android charging port is probably one of the most important components of your phone. If it is damaged or broken, your phone won’t charge and what good is a phone that is dead?

Dirt, lint, dust, and other debris can quickly accumulate in your charging port and cause issues with the connectors leading to issues when charging your phone. While a small amount of debris is probably not going to do much harm or affect your phone quickly, over time, the debris will continue to accumulate and then quickly become an issue. 

Cleaning out your charging port is recommended, but you will need to follow specific steps to do so because, after all, you don’t want to damage your phone. 

Below, we will go over what steps you can take to clean your Android charging port properly and safely. 

Cleaning Your Android Charging Port 

Once you have identified that there is in fact dirt or debris in your charging port, you want to clean it out. However, you do NOT want to use any type of sharp objects to do so, as this will just damage your device. 

NEVER use the following items to clean your phone’s charging port: 

  • Knives 

  • Safety pins 

  • Pencil tips 

  • Paper clips 

  • Wire hangers 

  • Toothbrush

So, what can you use?

  • Compressed air syringe or bulb syringe 

  • Toothpick

  • Cotton swab 

Now, we move on to the steps you should take to clean your Android charging port. 

1. Turn off your Android device. 

2. Use your chosen tool (i.e. compressed air, cotton swab, etc.) to clean out the charging port. 

3. Once clean, turn your device back on and attempt to charge your battery. 

4. If your battery charges, you will stop here and you are good to go…however, if your battery does not charge, you will need to attempt to clean out the charging port again. Make sure to keep working at it until you have cleaned out all visible debris. 

5. Turn your phone back on and attempt to charge it again. 

6. If it charges, you are good to go. 

Get Professional Cell Phone Repairs Today 

If you have attempted to clean your charging port but either cannot get the dirt out or your phone still will not charge after it is clean, you should contact a professional. If your charging port is clean but your phone won’t charge, there may be something wrong with it and you will need to have it looked at and diagnosed. 

At NYC Cell Phone Repair, we can help you! We specialize in all types of cellular phone repair in NYC and can get your charging port cleaned out or replaced should it be broken or damaged. 


No matter what problems you are experiencing with your phone, we can get it working once again. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment or feel free to stop by our repair center.

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